City, State, County Press Releases
3 Apr 2020
Disaster Declarations
Whereas, the United States Federal Government has decalared a national emergency and the State of Texas has declared a statewide public health disaster as a result of the COVID-19; and....
Lee County Disaster Declaration
City of Giddings Local Disaster Declaration
Lexington Disaster Declaration
City and County Government Declarations and Agendas
City of Giddings
City of Giddings, Texas
Lee County
Lee County, Texas
Press Release April 3
Regarding the first 2 virus cases in Lee County and the Judge's order about infected individuals and self-quarantine
Order from Judge Paul Fischer - April 1, 2020
Requires individuals known to have or are under monitoring for COVID-19 to follow direction provided by duly authorized persons, including public health officials, as well as information on Lee County Health Official Requirements and Recommendations included in the Order.
Press Release April 1
Information on the first known case of Coronovirus in Lee County
Press Release April 1
Cities in Lee County Respond to Governor’s Declaration
Press Release April 1
“Uniform Shelter in Place” order issued for entire State of Texas from Governor