GEDC, Giddings Respond to COVID-19

19 Mar 2020

Giddings, TX (March 13, 2020) –

The economic landscape all across the globe is shifting due to the influence of Covid-19 and Giddings’ is no exception.  Unable to escape the ties that bind our local community to the global economy, Giddings area leaders are working diligently behind the scenes and with community stakeholders to keep citizens safe and to help buffer local businesses for the rough seas that lie ahead. 

“Our immediate efforts have been focused on ensuring that there are open lines of communication between our organization and the business community,” states Tonya Britton, Giddings Economic Development Corporation Executive Director. “We’ve set up a Facebook page specifically for the business community to distribute fact-based information about regulations, declarations, and funding opportunities that are arising.  We also have threads set aside for businesses and employees or those who are facing a lay-off to share information about workforce needs, about business closures, changes of hours, and to seek guidance and advice for special situations,” she stated.  The FB page is Giddings Economic Development-Covid-19-Business Information Center

The GEDC is also working to identify ways that the organization can fill in the gap with grants or other assistance, once they have more information from the state and federal government regarding when and how stimulus packages are going to be made available and for whom.  The Small Business Administration is already managing a small business loan program focusing on early-stage mitigation for businesses that are already suffering so the GEDC can assist businesses with completing the forms. 

The Chamber of Commerce is also distributing information on a regular basis to ensure that their members are remaining informed.  Both the Chamber and the GEDC have been in close touch with elected officials to ensure that the information that is being distributed is current.

Mayor John Dowell had this to say about the city’s response to the current situation, “Concern over COVID-19 is understandable as this is a fluid and unprecedented situation.  It’s important to note that at this time, we have no known cases within our city, county or any neighboring county; however, I am staying in close contact with local and state leaders who are monitoring and providing guidance about the situation.  I’m meeting tonight, Tuesday, with other emergency management officials and our local health experts to better understand our local landscape so that we can identify next steps and take appropriate measures.  Our immediate goals are to minimize impacts and protect the public’s health and safety.  We will be discussing the facts, deciding our action steps as a group, and will escalate efforts as necessary.  The most important step we can take as a community is to communicate, focus on the facts and not panic.”