Public Hearing - Freight Station Renovation Bid Review & Selection
8 Apr 2017
Public Notice
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Giddings Economic Development Corporation (the "Corporation"), a non-profit corporation created pursuant to Section 4B of the Development Corporation Act of 1979, Article 5190.6, Vernon=s Texas Civil Statutes, intends to undertake a project to construct, install and equip improvements and renovations to existing freight station/ transportation museum for use by a private business operating as Dime Box Distillery tasting room, bottling operation, and for museum and exhibition purposes (the "Project"). The Project will be financed from the proceeds of the sale of the Corporation's sales tax revenue together with hotel tax revenues and other resources of the Corporation.
The Corporation intends to hold a public hearing and review bid proposals at 5:30pm on April 24, 2017, at the Giddings Public Library, 276 N Orange Street (due to election, meeting location has been changed from Council Chambers, Giddings Municipal Building, 118 East Richmond, Giddings, Texas,) to review the proposed Project.
All interested persons are invited to attend the public hearing and speak for or against the undertaking of the proposed Project.